A song I wrote a year ago suddenly took on a whole new level of poignancy with the lockdown.
Almost exactly a year ago, my father-in-law was critically ill in a hospital on the other side of town. Su, my wife, was living at my mum's house so she could be nearer to the hospital, while I remained at home with the kids, and juggled my time between looking after the kids and spending time with the family at the hospital.
The kids were really struggling not being able to see their mum, and also knowing that their grandpa was really poorly. This situation went on for over three weeks. On one of the weekend days, to keep my 9-year-old daughter, Tali, occupied, we sat down at the kitchen table and wrote a song on my iPad. It was an opportunity for her to try and express what she was feeling at that time, and get it off her chest. It was music therapy without us realising it. The entire song was written and recorded on nothing but an iPad.
When my father-in-law passed away a few weeks later we understandably forgot about the song completely. But, just last week, pretty much a year to the day since we wrote it, Tali remembered the song and she said she wanted to give it to Su for Mother's Day. So she did.
And then very quickly the World as we knew it changed, the UK was put on lockdown, and suddenly the meaning of this song took on a whole new level of relevance and poignancy.
We've understandably had a lot more time to spend together this last few weeks, and so we decided to make a video to the song in the hope that it brings a little light to the World, something that it needs right now.
We know only too well that this crazy situation in the World right now is causing a lot of fear and uncertainty for a lot of people. For many others, with small children to look after, we have to take responsibility for the meaning that we put on to these current World events and ensure that we all look back on this time as a period when life slowed down, we enjoyed spending all our time together, just doing simple things and trying to appreciate each and every moment. As the song itself rather prophetically says,
"Love will find a way, here on Earth, like we are today."